
Mission Statement

The LaGrange County Sheriff’s Office, as Keepers of the Public Trust, will continually strive to provide impartial, professional and responsive law enforcement services to all citizens of the county.
Being ever mindful of their role as Public Servants, LaGrange County Sheriff’s Office Personnel will be entrusted to:

  • Promptly and efficiently complete all orders of the Judicial System including civil process, warrant service and court security.
  • Manage the physical jail structure and utilize all taxpayer assets in a prudent, fiscally responsible manner.
  • Provide a humane, yet secure confinement of the jail population by employing advanced confinement techniques and professional supervision.
  • Actively enhance the image of the Office by remaining Visible within the community, being Accessible to citizens for complaints and inquiries and remaining Accountable for their individual actions.
  • Achieve and maintain a leadership role in the Law Enforcement Community by employing innovative service programs, strategies and enforcement techniques.
  • Exhibit the highest standards of Integrity and Professionalism as they perform their respective duties.