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Who fixes the potholes on State Roads or the intersection approaches?
INDOT has jurisdiction over maintenance on State Roads and intersection approaches. Please report these locations to either through Contact INDOT at indottscc.service-now.com/csm or call 1(855)463-6848.
When do I need a driveway permit?
A driveway permit will need to be issued every time there is a new road cut (new drive, widening, change of material, etc.). A driveway permit will also need to be issued when an existing drive has a change in use (residential to commercial, etc.).
Berming – Why is my yard being cut? May I have dirt?
Berming is completed to keep water off the road to prevent pavement damage due to standing water and saturation. We remove existing sod between 2’-4’ off the edge of the pavement to allow the water run off the road. All berming is done within our road right-of-way jurisdiction. We haul to nearby locations as requested.
When is the County doing dust control on my gravel road?
We pay for one application of calcium chloride 200 feet in front of each home and 300 feet at intersections. Spraying typically begins around the start of June (once frequent rain in the spring subsides). We still maintain the roads after the dust control is applied and will grade if necessary.
Does the County maintain my road?
Blue road signs indicate private roads that are not maintained due to either not being up to current highway standards or lack of road/right-of-way dedication. State Roads are maintained by INDOT.
Why is the County cutting the trees down my road?
When there is storm damage, we open travel lanes as quickly as possible by moving tree debris to the ditch and clean up as soon as possible at a later time. We do frequent removal of dead trees and trimming of branches in the right-of-way that poses a threat to the safety of the traveling public.
Can I fill in the ditch in front of my property?
Roadside ditches (even if it does not appear to hold water) are present for a reason and should not be filled. The purpose of roadside ditches is to prevent water from standing on the road after a rain event. Filling in any roadside ditch can cause damages to the pavement and road bed integrity.
I want to plant trees/put my fence along the road. Is that okay?
Trees and fence should only be placed outside of the right-of-way. Trees and fence in the right-of-way can be a hazard to the traveling public because of visual obstruction and a fixed object. Intersections are addressed in the zoning ordinance as “No fence, wall, hedge, tree, shrub, or other object which obstructs sight lines and elevations between 2½ and 8 feet above the street shall be placed, planted, or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area formed by the street right-of-way lines and a line connecting points 35 feet from the intersection of said street lines, or in the case of a rounded property corner, from the intersection of the street right-of-way lines extended.”
When will my road be plowed out during emergency snow conditions?
During emergency snow conditions we focus first on arterial routes due to the traffic volume that uses those routes. We plow throughout the day to ensure that everyone is plowed out by the end of the day at the latest.
Will the County fix my vehicle damage?
We have signs on our trucks that do not hold us liable for vehicle damage. For roadwork, we have signs and flaggers present to keep vehicles away from potential hazards for this reason.
My mailbox was damaged from the snow plow.
The majority of the time mailbox damage is from the weight of the snow moving at the speed of the snow plow. We are not liable for mailbox damage due to snow. We recommend that if you are worried about your mailbox during winter operations that you put up a temporary mailbox shield (similar to those that can be seen on state routes).
How close can we build a structure near a ditch/drain?
No permanent structures may be built within 75 feet of any county regulated drain or tile without approval through the Drainage Board.
If I do not have a ditch running through my property, why am I paying assessment fees on a ditch?
All storm water runoff eventually goes to a body of water, e.g. stream, lake, underground tile or an open ditch, all of which require periodic maintenance. Your ditch assessment fees go to a maintenance fund to pay for repairs such as ditch bank spraying, snagging, cleaning/clearing, etc.
If I need my property surveyed, who do I call?
You call a Registered Land Surveyor. We do not do private surveys.
If I want a copy of my survey, where do I get one?
If the survey was recorded they will have a copy in the County Recorder’s Office. If not, you will need to know the survey company that last surveyed your property and contact them.
If I want to make an appointment with the Drainage Board, what do I need to do?
Call, or email, our office at (260) 499-6306 or semrick@lagrangecounty.org. We can discuss your issue, or concern, and determine if you need to be placed on the next meeting agenda. Please, be prepared to give a summary of your needs so that the Surveyor, and the Board, is prepared to address them.
Where is your office located?
We are located on the second floor of the County Building, 114 W. Michigan Street.
Where can I find the travel status for LaGrange County?
Who determines the travel status of LaGrange County?
There is communication between County Commissioners, Sheriff, Highway Superintendent, and the Emergency Management Director. The County Commissioner then makes the final decision.
Who updates the travel status map for LaGrange County?
Once a decision is made to update the travel status of LaGrange County, the Emergency Management Director will update the travel status with the State.
What are the different levels of travel status?
Warning (Red) - The highest level of local travel advisory, means that travel may be restricted to emergency management workers only. During a "warning" local travel advisory, individuals are directed to:
  • Refrain from all travel;
  • Comply with necessary emergency measures;
  • Cooperate with public officials and disaster services forces in executing emergency operations plans; and
  • Obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.
Watch (Orange) - Means that conditions are threatening to the safety of the public. During a "watch" local travel advisory, only essential travel, such as to and from work or in emergency situations, is recommended, and emergency action plans should be implemented by businesses, schools, government agencies, and other organizations.

Advisory (Yellow) - The lowest level of local travel advisory, means that routine travel or activities may be restricted in areas because of a hazardous situation, and individuals should use caution or avoid those areas.
What is the cost to record a document?
Mortgages cost $55 and all other documents are $25 regardless of page count.
Can anyone pick up my document?
Yes, all of our records are public information and can be picked up by someone other than the owner.
How long does it take to record a document?
All documents that transfer property need to first go to the Assessor and Auditor. Generally, it could take several days depending upon their work load. Documents that do not transfer usually can be recorded upon submission to the Recorders Office.
How much do copies cost?
Copies from the Recorders Office cost $1.00 per image/page. Our office funds much of our expenses.
Are we closed for lunch?
Currently there are only two employees in the Recorders Office. We take separate lunch breaks so that we can accommodate the public on most days. However if one of us is out of the office there will be a period of one hour where services will be limited but the office will remain open for research.
What are the setbacks for my property?
Setbacks are determined by the Zoning District of the property.
How big of a building can I build on my property?
How big of a structure is determined by the Zoning District and setback requirements.
What is the zoning of my property?
LaGrange County has three residential zoning districts, one agricultural district, four business districts, and two industrial districts.
I want to purchase this property, what can I do on it?
Each Zoning District has specific permitted uses.
Can I build in a Floodplain?
Yes, you can build in a Floodplain as long as you meet the requirements of the Floodplain Ordinance.
Can you help me locate my Report of Separation (DD-214)?
Call the Veterans Services Office at 260-499-6387.
Can you assist me with enrollment in the VA Health Care System?
Call the Veterans Services Office at 260-499-6387.
Can you assist me with determining eligibility for non-service connected pension?
Call the Veterans Services Office at 260-499-6387.
Can you assist with filing a claim for a service-connected disabiolity condition?
Call the Veterans Services Office at 260-499-6387.
Can you assist me with acquiring a Certificate of Eligibility for a VA Home Loan Guaranty?
Call the Veterans Services Office at 260-499-6387.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept cash, check, or credit cards. A service fee of 4.95% applies to credit card payments made by phone or 2.5% for credit card payments made in the office or online.
Where can I pay my taxes?
You can pay your taxes in person at the office, by mail, by phone at 866-482-8552, or online at www.paygov.us. Fees apply to payments made over the phone or online.
When are taxes due? Taxes are due May 10th and November 10th
Taxes are due May 10 and November 10.
Where can I check online to see if my taxes were paid?
You may access property tax information at www.beacon.schneidercorp.com.
What do I need for a mobile home permit?
Please bring the title of the mobile home and be prepared to pay the current year taxes and any delinquent taxes.
When is my Court date and time?
You may check the status of your case on mycase.in.gov at https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase or Doxpop at www.doxpop.com.
How do I pay my ticket?
Please direct your question to the Traffic Clerk at 260-499-6375.
Why is my license suspended?
Please direct your question to the Traffic Clerk at 260-499-6375.
Does your Department accept and/or utilize online payments?
Superior Court does not accept payments. That is the function of the LaGrange County Clerk of Courts Office. All financial questions should be directed to the Clerk’s Office.
Can I talk to the Judge?
All communication with the Judge must be in writing. If an attorney represents you, then all communication with the Court must go through your attorney. If you are an unrepresented litigant and would like to request a hearing or would like to correspond with the Court, the following steps must be followed:
  • The letter or document MUST include a heading that states the cause number, the names of all parties, and the full mailing address of all parties.
  • The letter or document MUST state a specific request. Mere statements to the Judge will not be set for hearing.
  • The letter or document MUST state that a hearing is requested or a hearing will not be set.
  • Copies of the letter or document MUST be mailed by the party submitting the letter or document to all other parties including, but not limited to: Petitioner, Respondent, and all Attorneys of Record.
  • The Court WILL NOT accept any email requests.
Are there legal forms available for me to use?
The following website provides legal forms that may assist you in stating the issue(s): http://www.in.gov/judiciary/serlfservice.
The Indiana State Court Administration has also prepared a video with information about representing yourself in court in family law cases. It can be found at http://www.courts.IN.gov/webcast. Select the “Information” drop down box; select “Court Webcasts”; and then select “Family Matters: Choosing to Represent Yourself in Court.”
Other legal resources include: Indiana Legal Services (www.indianajustice.org); Pro Bono Commission, District C, Indiana Legal Services- Fort Wayne (888-442-8600).
There are also legal forms available at the LaGrange County Clerk of Courts Office and the LaGrange Superior Court Office, however, neither the Clerk’s staff nor the Court’s staff may provide you with legal advice.
How do I request a court appointed attorney?
If you are facing criminal charges and cannot afford an attorney, you are entitled to a public defender. When you are in Court, tell the Judge that you cannot afford to hire an attorney and ask for a public defender. You will be required to provide the Court with details about your financial situation to show that you cannot afford a private defense attorney.
What if there is an emergency and I cannot make it to my scheduled Court hearing?
If you experience an emergency on the day of your Court hearing, you should contact the Superior Court Office at 260-499-6363 to advise the Court of your situation. You will be directed to file a written Motion for Continuance with the Court and to include documentation verifying your emergency. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for transportation and with your employer to ensure that you are able to appear in Court for your scheduled hearing. An example of a valid emergency would be if you are in the emergency room for a sudden medical condition or if you are sick. If you are not able to provide proof of a valid emergency to the Court and you fail to appear for a criminal hearing, the Court may issue a warrant for your arrest.
When do I report to probation?
If you are sentenced directly to probation, you will report to probation immediately after your court hearing. If you have time to serve in home detention, work release, jail or prison, you will report to probation, in person, within 48 hours of your release from incarceration.
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